Green How, ST. IVES, PE27 6JJ
Overview of PE27 6JJ
PE27 6
PE27 6JJ
- No. of addresses
- total (33 residential / 0 business)
- District
- Huntingdonshire
- Region
- East of England
- Constituency
- Huntingdon
- Latitude
- 52.338882
- Ward
- St Ives West
- County
- Cambridgeshire
- Country
- England
- MP
- Mr Jonathan Djanogly (Conservative)
- Longitude
- -0.085462
Police Force for PE27 6JJ
NHS Trust for PE27 6JJ
- No NHS Trust found for this postcode
Demographic Data for PE27 6JJ in Output Area E00091671
- Density
- 5253 people per km squared
- Health
- English Speaking
- Migrant
- Not Known
- No. of Students
- 282 students
- Distance to Work
- 7 km
- Male / Female
Demographic data is based on the most recent census data available for the area. The area is based on
the Output Area that the address falls within.
Source: Office for National Statistics
Source: Office for National Statistics
Religion in PE27 6JJ
- No Religion
- Christian
- Muslim
- Hindu
- Sikh
- Jewish
- Buddhist
- Other
Ethnicity in PE27 6JJ
- Asian
- Black
- Mixed
- White
- Other
Work Hours in PE27 6JJ
- 15 or Less
- 16 - 30 Hours
- 31 to 48 Hours
- 49 or More
Amenities in PE27 6JJ
Health Care
Nearest Health Care Facilities
Hospitals / Doctors
- The Spinney Surgery- 0.66 Miles
- The Orchard Surgery, St. Ives- 0.9 Miles
- St Ives Clinic- 1.36 Miles
- Grove Medical Practice- 1.93 Miles
Amenities in PE27 6JJ
Nearest Schools
- Thorndown Primary School- 0.23 Miles
- Wheatfields Primary School- 0.79 Miles
- St Ivo School- 0.89 Miles
- Aurora Fairway School, St Ives- 0.95 Miles
- Westfield Junior School- 1.28 Miles
- Aldi- 1.93 Miles
- Morrisons, St Ives- 2.11 Miles
- Waitrose, St Ives- 2.15 Miles
Walking Routes
Hiking Routes
- Pathfinder Way- 2.73 Miles
- Ouse Valley Way- 17.85 Miles
Cycling Routes
Companies in PE27 6JJ
Company Name | Company Address |
Property sales in PE27 6JJ
The average property value in PE27 6JJ is 128,444. The highest value property is 264,600 and the lowest is 24,960.
Following are the details about property sale history in PE27 6JJ.
Address | Sale Price | Sale Date |
1 Green How | £40,000 | 1998-04-02 |
10 Green How | £56,000 | 1998-05-01 |
10 Green How | £102,000 | 2002-04-11 |
10 Green How | £166,500 | 2010-07-29 |
11 Green How | £233,000 | 2019-02-14 |
13 Green How | £24,960 | 1997-01-13 |
14 Green How | £67,500 | 2000-03-10 |
14 Green How | £131,000 | 2004-04-29 |
14 Green How | £143,000 | 2010-02-26 |
15 Green How | £48,500 | 1996-12-18 |
15 Green How | £70,000 | 2001-02-23 |
15 Green How | £217,000 | 2016-07-11 |
17 Green How | £194,235 | 2013-07-31 |
19 Green How | £169,995 | 2013-11-22 |
19 Green How | £170,000 | 2017-04-28 |
2 Green How | £67,000 | 1999-03-17 |
2 Green How | £168,000 | 2005-12-02 |
2 Green How | £186,000 | 2013-07-09 |
2 Green How | £264,600 | 2017-10-04 |
20 Green How | £57,500 | 1998-01-30 |
20 Green How | £120,000 | 2003-11-07 |
22 Green How | £60,000 | 1999-06-02 |
22 Green How | £77,000 | 2001-04-06 |
23 Green How | £190,000 | 2015-10-16 |
24 Green How | £53,600 | 1997-10-31 |
24 Green How | £147,995 | 2005-01-12 |
25 Green How | £99,000 | 2002-05-16 |
26 Green How | £180,000 | 2015-05-18 |
27 Green How | £115,000 | 2002-10-11 |
3 Green How | £205,000 | 2016-06-17 |
31 Green How | £50,000 | 1995-01-27 |
31 Green How | £49,000 | 1995-02-24 |
34 Green How | £162,000 | 2007-05-25 |
4 Green How | £77,500 | 2001-02-16 |
4 Green How | £128,000 | 2004-01-16 |
6 Green How | £125,000 | 2003-09-12 |
6 Green How | £235,000 | 2017-05-19 |
8 Green How | £230,000 | 2020-02-07 |